What is an outreach counselor? If you are researching the outreach counselor job description and feel this is a worthwhile career choice, you’ve come to the right place. Outreach counselors are found in a number of healthcare organizations, including hospitals, mental health agencies, treatment centers, K-12 schools, and much more.
The Behavioral Health Jobs website is for job seekers who want to dedicate their skills and experience to helping others. We have new jobs posted daily for outreach counselors and other job titles for all levels of experience and education. You can filter your job search by keyword, distance from home, organization type, and other search criteria.
To begin a new career search and find new outreach counseling jobs near you, check out the Behavioral Health Jobs website today.
What Is an Outreach Counselor?
The outreach counselor definition defines this job as being made up of many roles, from helping patients recover to providing students with opportunities and conducting community outreach services. They work as a mental health counselor, outreach counselor at a university, or as a community outreach counselor.
Some of the essential duties for an outreach counselor include:
- Establishing personalized service plans for patients
- Providing crisis intervention and family consultation services
- Collaborating with staff on problem-solving and training
- Securing parent’s assistance in improving their child’s education
Outreach Counselor Job Description
The outreach counselor job description states that this position works with patients who are experiencing hardships and difficulties in their lives. They provide assistance to patients and guide them through all the processes of getting benefits from a care program.1
To qualify for this position, you will need a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in counseling, psychology, social services, or sociology. A master’s degree in counseling or a related field is essential to those who wish to become licensed or certified.
The Behavioral Health Jobs website supports those who are looking for a new career in the behavioral health industry. If you are not quite ready to apply, we have tips and advice for what is an outreach counselor, how to fine-tune your resume, interview tips, and career advice.
Outreach Counseling Jobs That are Available Today
Here is a small sample of the types of outreach counseling jobs that are available throughout the country:
- Pre-ETS Outreach Counselor – Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC), Springfield, VT – As a pre-ETS counselor, you will work with youths with disabilities to educate them on accommodating learning activities to meet the student’s needs and interests, be an effective communicator, understand adapting learning activities, and be highly motivated who is excited about seeing children thrive. Starting salary is between $43,000 – $73,000/year.
- Outreach Counselor – ServiceNet, Amherst, MA – As an outreach counselor, you will provide and assist patients with information and strategies to reach their recovery goals. You will use strategies and interventions to restore and teach daily living skills, provide monitoring to promote and maintain a safe home, attend weekly meetings, and other duties.
- Mobile Crisis Outreach Counselor – Foundation 2, Cedar Rapids, IA – In this position, you will respond to dispatches to individuals and families, complete all required documentation, maintain patient files, foster and maintain strong relationships with community partners, and provide compassionate, objective, client-centered counseling. This job requires a bachelor’s degree in a human service-related field.
- Community Health Outreach Worker/Enroller – Mission City Community Network, North Hills, CA – The essential duties of this role include interviewing patients and assisting with forms and authorizations, assessing patient eligibility for various programs, helping enrollees access the website and explaining benefits, complete and submit mandated program documentation to the Program Director, and other essential duties.
These are just a few of the available outreach counselor jobs that are available today. Make sure you update your resume to match the skills and responsibilities listed in the job post to increase your chances of getting a call back.
Behavioral Health Jobs: Find New Outreach Counselor Jobs Near You Today
The Behavioral Health Jobs website is updated daily with new jobs for those wanting to work in the behavioral health industry. We have new jobs at a number of organizations, including hospitals, government facilities, K-12 schools and universities, private practices, and community organizations. You can filter the types of jobs you see by distance from home, experience and education, keyword titles, and other options.
If you are ready to begin a new career search, check out all of the available jobs on the Behavioral Health Jobs website today.