How to Increase Productivity When Working Remotely

Knowing how to increase productivity while working from home is very important if you want to keep working remotely while most companies are returning to pre-COVID work schedules. While some companies will continue to offer hybrid and remote work opportunities, a large percentage of companies are beginning to recall their remote workers. They may feel like their employees are less productive than those working in the office and prefer to have everyone in one location. 

At Behavioral Health Jobs, our website is dedicated to the behavioral health industry and provides new remote, hybrid, and on-site jobs that you can apply for today. The behavioral health industry is one of the fastest-growing job markets, and there are open positions at hospitals, mental health treatment centers, community outreach facilities, and private practices. We also include several helpful tips to aid in your career search. If you are interested in finding onsite, hybrid, and remote jobs in healthcare, check out all of the available jobs at the Behavioral Health Jobs website today.

Why Remote Work Is Not Right for Everyone

Working from home sounds like an ideal situation, but for some people, it can be a disaster.  Remote work requires a strong work ethic and a dedicated space that is quiet and free from distractions. Those videos of pets and children interrupting meetings may be cute, but for the employer, it is a sign that they don’t have the right setup to be productive at home. 

If you want to convince your employer that you can be productive at home, here are some tips for staying focused at work:

  1. Set up your home office in a spare bedroom where you can shut the door to keep out unwanted noises, pets, spouses, and children. 
  2. Have a separate phone line that is dedicated to business calls to avoid interruptions during important phone calls. 
  3. Invest in a high-speed internet connection for smooth video conferencing and a professional HD video camera and audio equipment. 
  4. Purchase a dedicated desktop computer that can handle high-speed video conferencing. 
  5. Have a professional-looking background for all video conferencing. Do not conduct your meetings on a laptop sitting outside, on the couch, or at a local bar or Starbucks. Just remember, those fake backgrounds are easy to recognize. 

These tips for staying focused at work will help convince your boss that you can be just as productive at home as in the office. If they still insist that you start working from the office, ask if you can continue working a few days a week from home.

How to Increase Productivity While Working Remotely

While remote work is still prevalent in most industries, as the worries over COVID-19 diminish, more employers are insisting their staff returns to the office. While the necessity of remote work is gone, many employees find that they are more productive at home for various reasons. A recent study by Stanford University tracked the productivity levels of 16,000 remote workers during a 9-month period and found their productivity increased by 13%.

Here are several ways how to increase productivity in a home office:

Set a Strict Work Schedule

Setting a work schedule for a home office is crucial for increasing your home productivity. Keep your work schedule and breaks as if you are still working from the office. Don’t sleep in and start late, as you can potentially miss an important email, text, or phone call. In addition, you can schedule a daily or weekly video conference call with your employer or team to have face-to-face conversations and discuss important work information. 

Don’t Procrastinate

Procrastination is the root of all evil, especially for those working from home who think they can skip a day and finish their work tomorrow. One of the biggest problems employers have with remote workers is making sure they are being productive during work hours with everyone else. If you need to work different hours because of childcare or other responsibilities, talk with your employer about your needs. Keep track of your work hours to show them when you are working. 

Keep an Up-To-Date Online Calendar

Online calendars can be shared with your employer and staff so that everyone knows when you are working and what you are doing. Be sure to give them access to add appointments to your calendar so you don’t miss an important meeting. If your employer requires some meetings to be in person, make sure to give yourself plenty of time to commute. 

Behavioral Health Jobs Provides the Top Remote Jobs in Healthcare

The Behavioral Health Jobs website provides new jobs in the behavioral health industry with remote, hybrid, and on-site positions available. Job seekers can search for jobs by experience and education level, job type, certification requirements, and other criteria to narrow their job search. If you are ready for a new career helping individuals and families live their best lives, check out all of the available jobs on the Behavioral Health Jobs website. 


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